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Article: Dear Diary : A saint and a whore

Dear Diary : A saint and a whore

The saint and the whore reside in one body.

Can you believe it.

We grow up and we are told to close our legs and speak softly. To not be too funny, to not laugh loudly. To study your scales and pirouettes to mimic the royal and the thoroughbred to be worthy of a higher esteem. To be picked because of all the things you’ve accomplished because now you’ve earned it. Women have been the earners from the start if you think about it. Earners of men that are worthy of her purity, esteem and accomplishments.

She is chosen.

Then she chooses ultimately.

All the while all we really need is someone to be vulnerable with.

Someone we can be open enough with to admit that while pure and doing the perfect scales on the piano internally there resides a whore.

Perhaps, prostitution isn’t such a bad profession after all.

At least it’s honest.

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