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Article: my body, my self-care, my choice. a frustrated thought.

my body, my self-care, my choice. a frustrated thought.

I sat down to write with an urge to go so deep into the trenches of 'beauty' I found myself referencing evolutionary biology, anthropology and psychology and I crashed.  I realized that just saying do this, not that isn't enough in this case. Everything we've been taught to see and do as men and women runs through our psyche. My frustration of the false power of putting on lipstick actually is beyond what I currently can verbalize. I need more time. More time buried in books, more time in thought while not wearing any lipstick. And a much more solid understanding of the reasons why power games aren't necessary between men and women, women and women and the internal struggle of what it actually means to stop the games for good. So, instead, I'm giving you my potential book titles as a form of liberation from all these personal frustrations. Enjoy. 

  1. Being the best version of yourself, always. Why tho?
  2. Beauty and the Beast: an Autobiography. 
  3. Self-Mysogyny and Other Things I Do To Fit In. 
  4. Self-care - Defined by Women Motivated by Patriarchy.
  5. Global No-Brush-Hair Declaration. 
  6. What Men Want and Who the Hell Cares. 
  7. A Study in Selfie: Does Your Body Language Appeal to Women or Men and Other Daily Battles of Millennial Generation and Beyond. 
  8. Monogamy and Female Competition. 
  9. The Emancipation of Female: the Lace, the False Lashes, and Other Man-Made Materials.
  10. A Permanent Double Wedgie: a Study In ‘This Thong Makes My Inner Goddess Feel Sexy’ Conviction. 
  11. Are We Sadist: Selling Sexuality and Lack of Female Orgasms


Did I miss anything?


Xo, Svetlana

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