Woman Wonder — meet the women that inspire us. I am every woman is not a cliche, it is the way we are connected. We are all the same but different. We all think similar thoughts, feel similar feelings, experience similar experiences. I want to connect the dots between women. Let’s really get to know each other and recognize the greatness within each one of us.

Lindsey and I connected on common ground of wanting to provide women with a space where beauty can also mean not fearing aging. It also happened to be right as we were preparing to launch our Salt of the Earth Essence and I was so intrigued with Lindsey's Salt of the Earth Skin practice and her holistic approach to skincare that aligns so much with my own: assisting skin to heal itself through gentle skin therapies and daily care. She applies corneotherapy to her esthetics practice, which is an un-invasive approach to skin care and skin anatomy that aims to keep the skin intact at all times to restore homeostasis. If you're in Idaho, pay her a visit. Let's dive into getting to know Lindsey a bit more.
Please, introduce yourself.
My name is Lindsey Marcella, and I am the founder of SALT OF THE EARTH SKIN.
Talk to us about you. What is special about you?
In true female imposter syndrome fashion, this is a tough endeavor, but i’ll give it a shot. In my 37 years of living, i’ve moved over 23 times, all over the US, Canada, and Europe, so I’ve always felt a little bit unsettled. Home base has always been the Inland Northwest/North Idaho area where I was born, but I have a gigantic sense of wonder that makes it hard to stay put. I found my career path by accident, simply because I was desperate to get out of the small Central Washington town I graduated from. I knew I never wanted to go to college or take a traditional path, so I thought about things I did everyday and if I could make a living out something, and makeup was the answer. I signed up for makeup school in Vancouver B.C. and told my parents we had a month to figure out how to get me a visa and move me to Canada. That was in 2005, and I was 19. Since then, I’ve gone on to become a Licensed Manicurist/Nail Technician, Herbalist, Licensed Esthetician and Esthetic Educator, Health Coach, Corneotherapist, Facial Reflexologist, Writer, and Business Owner. (I had to call my mom to ask what’s special about me, because I couldn’t think of anything without feeling weird about it) Her first words were that i’m a survivor. She also said I am passionate and curious, and I love
learning. My dad then preceded to say I was cute 🥰
What does connection mean to you?
To me, connection means allowing space for vulnerability. I am in constant awe and gratefulness to the women that step into my treatment space and share their stories with me. We connect by sharing our experiences, trauma, faith, and complicated feelings about being a woman in this lifetime.
What has been your proudest moment in your career or personal life to date?
Feeling proud of myself is a new feeling to me as of a few weeks ago. My proudest moment of my career was becoming a business owner and not being afraid to talk about and stand up to toxic beauty culture. I’m looking at you injectors 😉 The beauty industry is such a mental health conundrum, and I’m proud of myself for unapologetically holding space to talk about it being okay for women to be themselves, without artificially altering our appearance. God doesn’t make mistakes. I am proud of all the hard work I’ve put into my education, and my approach to skin health. My proudest moment personally is leaving a 12 year mentally and emotionally abusive marriage. It all seems like a blur, and like it was someone else’s story. I was living in Germany at the time, and woke up after being yelled at the night before, and knew that it was the day to leave. I frantically packed my car with whatever I could take, knowing I might end up with nothing, threw my dogs in the front seat, and left. I would not have made it through if it wasn’t for my best friend and her husband taking me into their home and helping me through the complicated emotions and to get back to the US. They have 4 kids, who were all under 8 at the time, and it was the most complicated, emotional, hilarious time of my life. I was in the process of converting to Catholicism at the time as well. There was a lot of emotional work happening all at once.
How do you balance your work and personal life?
To me they go hand in hand. Just like you can’t really separate church and state, when you’re passionate about something and have a calling to live your truth, it’s not really work, and you can’t separate it from your everyday life. I am trying to get better at taking care of my physical and nutritional health. I have to constantly remind myself to take time to nourish my body.
What female role models do you look up to and why?
The amazing women I am meeting in the corneotherapy space. These women are highly intelligent, continue to educate themselves and others, and some don’t really believe in retirement. I thought I was weird for never wanting to retire, but it turns out i’m not alone. These women range from ages 40’s - 70’s. I am so inspired by their passion for education, and I hope to continue their legacy in education under their guidance, mentorship, and friendship.
What key learnings would you like to pass on to the next generation of women?
God didn’t make a mistake when He created you. You are perfect just as He made you. The people who are making artificially altering your appearance “normal” don’t truly know the harmful impact of what they’re doing, and most are hurting and struggling with their self-esteem just like the rest of us, which is why they got into the work they are doing in the first place. It’s okay to be you, it’s more than ok, it’s the best path. Do the internal work, it’s worth it.
How do you champion women in your personal and professional life?
By holding space to be vulnerable. When we feel like we are part of a community, we shine as women together. I will pep talk you until you belive in yourself because I believe in you!
What is something that used to challenge you but doesn’t anymore? What challenges you now?
Growing up as an adult in a traumatic relationship made it hard to understand emotional boundaries, but now I’m all about them. Any hint of toxicity, and I have no problem stepping away, whether it’s temporary or permanent. I simply do not have the space and energy for that nonsense. My challenge now, is one that I’ve always had, and that is second guessing myself. I know it’s a trauma response, and I am grateful to my loved ones for allowing me to talk things out with them. My boyfriend gets the brunt of my second guessing ramblings and he’s a saint for it.
Quick fire: (short answers are encouraged!)
What is your favorite city (anywhere)?
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK (I lived there for 3 years, and it’s the last place I felt home)
When you’re in your favorite city: The year round Wednesday and Saturday Markets. My palate wasn’t diverse until I moved to the UK, and the wonderful grocer vendors and the butcher’s took the time to teach me about vegetables, fruits and different cuts of meats and how to cook them.
Your go-to restaurant: Mason’s Arms for the Hunter’s Chicken
Your favorite tea/coffee/smoothie shop: Harriet’s Tearoom for a proper cuppa Earl Grey, scones, and a big bowl of hearty country soup and bread.
Your favorite neighborhood to wander: The Medievil Grid. You can feel all the lives that have been lived on those cobbled streets.
Favorite hole in the wall: The Nutshell, Britain’s smallest pub. You’ll always find an interesting stranger to talk to.
Where do you go when it rains: Really Rather Good Cafe. It faces the ancient Abbey Gate, and the rain sounds heavenly through the single pane windows.
Tourist’s attraction: Abbey Gardens. Wandering amongst the ancient ruins makes you feel like you’re a part of something bigger than you.
Take away...
Advice your auntie/mother/grandmother gave you:
My mom always taught me that you should have a skill so you can take care of yourself no matter what.
My grandma told me that it’s okay to want to have a partner in life, and not want to play the strong independent female role all the time.